Frequently Asked Questions |
Things to keep in mind (TTKIM): |
1. Treat the blades as sharp. If a
sharp blade “hit you there”, “dragged across there”, “stabbed your
flat hand in front of your chest”, the sharp blade would have
probably created a nasty bloody wound.
2. Treat your opponent with respect.
If the blow was questionable at all, it is better to refight it and
to have a clear-cut victor, than to have bad feelings.
Weapons |
Grabbing n Grasping |
n Go |
Thrusts n Cuts |
Grabbing n Grasping |
What can I do once I've grabbed a blade
without running afoul of the no-grappling rule? |
The blade should not bend in any
way. The best method is to quickly shift the blade offline then let
go of it. Consider that with blade grabbing you get one free shot at
your opponent then they get their weapon back.
How close to the tip can I grab a blade
without running afoul of the no-tip-grabbing rule? |
If you feel it, DROP IT! If you think
you might have pulled on it, it’s in your own best interest to call
hold and ask your opponent to verify that the tip is still in place.
If you feel tape, you're probably too close.
What am I supposed to do if I find that I
have just grabbed the tip? Just let go? Give up my hand? |
If you've only grabbed the tip
release it immediately. If you felt the “pointy end” of the sword
in your palm you’ve probably lost your hand. (See TTKIM #1)
What should I tell my opponent if I've
killed him while inadvertently grabbing his tip? |
If you defeated your opponent while
performing a questionable technique you should reset and fight over.
(See TTKIM #2)
If I grab a weapon by only closing my
thumb to my index finger, does a twist cut my hand? |
If you are restricting your opponents
blade by applying pressure with only your thumb and fingers, but
claim that you haven’t really "grabbed the blade" many would
consider this an attempt to game the rule and would be displeased.
(See TTKIM #2)
What should I do if I can't feel a weapon
being twisted in my grasp? More particularly, what should I do if I
kill my opponent while inadvertently ignoring his twist? |
If you got your shot at the moment
they would have gotten their blade free, they would not have had
enough time to deal you a lethal blow. If your opponent claims that
they twisted their blade before you threw your shot, refight. (See
Can I pin my opponent's blade to the
ground with my foot while standing or with my hand while fighting on my
knees? |
Never, EVER intentionally step on
your opponent’s sword. You may trap your opponent’s blade to the
ground with your hand, but then treat it as a grasped blade and
react accordingly. (See TTKIM #1)
If I grab a blade or pin it to my body as
my opponent is starting a draw cut, do I survive? Is that grappling? |
The draw cut is good. Your survival
depends on what body parts are involved. If you trap your
opponent’s blade with other parts of your body, treat its effect as
similar to blade grasping. “If the blade that is grasped
trapped moves or twists in the grasping hand against
the body, that hand body part is deemed disabled.
Thrusts n Cuts |
What constitutes a "good" draw cut |
Draw cuts are typically 6 inches, but
may be less depending on the location. A draw cut across the throat
wouldn’t need to be very long at all.
At what point during a draw does the
recipient "die"? This comes up when the recipient gets off a thrust
while being draw cut. Is it a double kill or not? |
If the blade has been laid on, but
not pulled, it is not a good draw cut. If the thrust was in motion
after the blade was laid on, but prior to it being pulled, then it's
a double. (See TTKIM #2)
Does a draw cut count if it
simultaneously draws across my quillions and my arm? |
If I cut a piece of bread and an
onion at the same time, is the bread cut? If you felt it, it's good.
Do thrusts to my shoulder change from
disabling to fatal depending on the angle of the thrust? |
Any thrust to the inside of the
shoulder seam is lethal, regardless of the angle. A thrust that
lands just outside the shoulder seam but is angled towards the body
is left to the individual fighter to decide. If you feel that the
thrust would have passed through your arm into your torso, take that
geometry into account act accordingly. (See TTKIM #1)
Where's the dividing line between a
disabling leg shot and a fatal torso shot? Where does that line run on
my backside? |
Assuming it’s not to the inner groin
(to the fighter's hand width down the inner limb), which is fatal;
think of where the line forms between the leg and torso when you sit
down. Above, Torso. Below, Leg. Having your buttocks sliced open or
run through is not normally a mortal wound, so the torso would start
at the waistline.
Does a thrust count as a double-kill if I
die as I'm throwing it or only if I die while it's landing on my
opponent? |
It's been generally accepted that if
your thrust was was in motion at the time your opponents thrust
landed, it is a double kill. (See TTKIM #2)
Where is the distinction between a lethal
thrust that lands at less than a 90 degree angle and a non-lethal "flat"
shot the lands at less than a 180 degree angle? |
If there is positive pressure of the
front surface of the tip, it's a thrust. Anything else requires a
draw. (See TTKIM #1)
What if my blade was not entirely
perpendicular to my opponent's arm as I performed a draw cut? |
Generally you want to be edge-on for
the full draw. (See TTKIM #1 & #2)
Does skipping affect the lethality of a
draw cut? |
Did it skip once in an 8” draw? Did
it skip once in a 12” draw? First case, questionable; second case,
good draw. (See TTKIM #1 & #2)
Armor n Masks |
Olympic-style Lexan fencing masks SCA legal? |
No. The SCA does
not approve of them. They tend to have fogging
problems and with the high humidity situations (e.g. Pennsic, Gulf
Wars, etc.). Also the
life expectancy of the face plate is unknown.
As a note, the FIE and
USFA (the European and American fencing organizations) have
indefinitely banned the use of visor (Lexan) masks from foil
and epee competitions (still in place as of Jun 2010).
How big a hole can I have in a list-legal
glove? |
Probably no larger than the holes
permitted in perf plate, 1/8" or 3mm. Would a draw cut of normal
pressure across the hole come into contact with the skin? The owner
should keep an eye on it and if it gets larger to "tape it up or
replace it".
Costello masks legal? |
Costello company stopped making masks in the mid-seventies but these
masks are still turning up occasionally. They were made before the
12 Kg mask standard was implemented so no Costello mask meets the 12
Kg standard, hence they should automatically fail the mask test.
Costello masks are not to be used in the MidRealm. September
2001"Pale" Letter. KRM Max.
Are Darkwood rapier
tips legal in the MidRealm? |
Yes, but.
Darkwood rapier tips are made specifically for Darkwood rapier
blades. They have a rectangular slot instead of the round hole of
the typical bird blunt. It is not required to have leather inside
of the Darkwood tip since the inside of the tip is the same shape as
the tip of a Darkwood blade, so the snug fit is sufficient. These
tips are currently considered experimental and you should submit
periodic reports accordingly.
Do I have to have metal inside of my plastic rapier tip? |
No. This requirement came and went
in 2010.
Touch n Go |
If I take my opponent's arm should I wait
for him to switch hands before taking a follow-up shot? |
That is up to you. If you are
fighting someone you feel is more skilled than yourself, it is
completely within your right to press your advantage. If you are
fighting someone you feel is less skilled than yourself it would be
better to let them switch. Your opponent might drop his sword and
ask permission to pick it up. Other opponents might immediately
switch and hope to get in a shot before you retreat. If you threw
three rapid fire shots leg-arm-torso, would only the first leg shot
count? (See TTKIM #2)
How quickly must I go to my knees once
I've been hit in the leg? What happens if I get off a lethal shot before
I realize that I should have been on my knees already? |
It is generally accepted that you can
throw a shot AS you drop to your knees. You should not throw a shot
AND THEN drop to your knees. Often when a shot is landed, opponents
will disengage to see the results of the shot. Call “good to the
leg” and your opponent will more than likely stand back until you
have dropped to your knees. However, your opponent could, knowing
the shot landed on your leg, immediately land a second lethal shot.
Your opponent is not required to wait for you to take a knee.