North Woods |
Maximilian & Gwenllyen's | ||||||||
UNOFFICIAL | ||||||||
Barony of North Woods Page | ||||||||
Pennsic 42 (2013) Plans | ||||||||
Missive | ||||||||
Unto the fantastic populace of North Woods, We are glad to report that we were able to attend every canton’s business meeting this past month. The Barony of North Woods is alive and well. Thank you for welcoming us and listening to all of our plans for Pennsic! We were asked to post our plans so that all may peruse them at their leisure. As of this missive the encampments of North Woods and Between Someplace and Elsewhere (our camp) are both located in B04. We have been told that two blocks at on the Serengeti will no longer be used for camping (one has the new barn and the other has a dirt bike track) so the groups in those two blocks will be moved to other areas. Because we may have new groups in B04, we will continue to camp in our traditional spots and not merge our two encampments. You are welcome to visit us any time we are in camp (the SW corner of B04), which, truth be told, isn’t often. However we will endeavor to fly the North Woods war banner whenever we are in camp for an extended period of time. We will also have a notebook available for messages. Our entire schedule for the full two weeks of Pennsic is located at: <<here>> We have always been very busy at Pennsic and now are going to be even busier. The following schedule is where we would like help Before Pennsic: We are making towel bags for all of the fighters. We will need water bottles, trail mix and oranges or apples for the bags. Please let us know if you can donate any of these items! If you’re not going to Pennsic, feel free to provide any nonperishable fighter food and give it to someone who is going to Pennsic. PENNSIC!!!! Yet to be scheduled North Woods group archery shoot for war point Saturday, 7/27 9-11 am - Peer on duty at MidRealm Royal (We would really like North Woods guards at this time!) 8 pm - Opening Ceremonies (We need all of our champions there in North Woods regalia!) Sunday, 7/28 1 pm - Rapier Field Battle (Please come out 15-30 minutes early and show your support. Wear baronial colors!! Help hand out towel bags to our fighters! Our fighters will start as a group and we can cheer them on when the cannons fire!) Monday, 7/29 10 am - Armored Field Battle (Same as Rapier Field Battle!) 3 pm - Known World Baronial Armored Champions Tourney (Please come out and help if you can! Wear baronial colors if you have them! Marshalls would be greatly appreciated. Tablecloths and water coolers will be brought by Weldlake). Tuesday, 7/30 10-5 - It Takes My Child To Raze a Village - Pennsic (Weldlake). 6 pm - Potluck dinner / Fools’ Court / Party / Gaming Night. The theme for 2013 is stripy socks: You must wear stripy socks - if it is cold enough and you want to. (We would like someone to keep a list of who is bringing what to the potluck) Wednesday, 7/31 2 pm - Known World Baronial Rapier Champion’s Tourney (We would like someone to be in charge of the food for this. We’d like fighter food donations: pretzels, pickles, oranges and powdered Gatorade. We have water coolers and tablecloths (from Weldlake). We need tables and dishes for serving the food on and in. We have volunteers to fetch the ice! We would like someone to run the list table). 8 pm - MidRealm Court (We will need our champions in North Woods regalia to walk in with us) Specific needs: Saturday, 7/27 9-11 am – 2 to 5 MidRealm Royal guards (let us know before Pennsic) 8 pm - All Baronial Champions for entire opening ceremonies Monday, 7/29 3 pm - 1 or 2 armored marshals for Baronial Armored Champions Tourney 2 or 3 people to help with set up, serving the food and water, and tear down. Tuesday, 7/30 6pm-ish - Food for pot luck dinner (let us know before Pennsic what you might bring) 1 person to keep a list of who is bringing what to the potluck 1 or 2 people to organize pot luck in camp Wednesday, 7/31 2 pm - Baronial Rapier Champions Tourney - 2 or more rapier marshals - 1 or 2 people to run the list table - 1 or 2 people to make ice and water runs as needed - Fighter snacks Thursday, 8/1 8 pm - All Baronial Champions for MidRealm court, process in only. |
Pennsic 42 (2013) 2-week Schedule | ||||||||
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Pennsic 42 (2013) Sign-up Sheets | ||||||||
>>Pennsic Help Needed | ||||||||
>>Pot Luck Sign-up | ||||||||